This is how we do it: cooperate and everybody wins

Release date: 06 May 2022


The Canadian author Bob Proctor once said, “Cooperation is always more powerful than competition”. Martina Lochner, Expert Pricing & Licensing Strategy at Market Data + Services (MD+S), couldn’t agree more. Right from the start, our strategy was geared towards long-term and mutually beneficial partnerships. Today, we market and license market data for twelve cooperation partners. As different as their offerings may be, they all benefit from our advanced technology and infrastructure and our many years of experience in the data dissemination business, just as our subscribers benefit from streamlined processes and efficient licensing. 

What is market data?

Martina Lochner, Pricing & Licensing Strategy at MD+S
Trading venues such as stock exchanges continuously publish current so-called bid and ask prices for financial instruments during their trading hours and show how many units are available at these prices on their trading venue (so-called pre-trade data). After a trade has been concluded, the executed price, the volume and the time of the transaction are also published (so-called post-trade data).

It all started in the early 2000s when the first partnership agreements with the German regional exchanges were signed. But the business very quickly became international. The Bulgarian Stock Exchange was the first, soon followed by Malta, both were convinced of the many advantages Deutsche Börse’s trading system had to offer. Today, cooperation’s reach from India to Taiwan and Mexico. And just recently, we announced our latest data partnership: starting in June, historical data from CME Group will be available on A7. So, it’s the perfect time to take a closer look at the collaborations around our data business. 

Martina, how to find the ideal partner? 

When looking for new potential partners, we pay particular attention to the added value of their data offering for our customers. At the same time, we have to manage to match our and their technical systems. 

And then, of course, price always plays a role, but it is far from being the only factor. Research shows that in addition to flexibility, accessibility, reliability and the provider's overall reputation as a service provider and partner, customers also value its industry experience. Good prospects for us, as our customers confirm that they see the security and reliability associated with the name Deutsche Börse as added value. 

How can everyone be a winner in all this? 

One of our latest partnerships, the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV Group), is a good example: here, our clients can access the full range of data products offered by Bolsa Mexicana with just one single license agreement. At the same time, the partnership strengthens Bolsa Mexicana's global distribution presence and enables the Mexican Stock Exchange to expand the inflow of European investments into the Mexican equity and derivatives markets. 
In a way, Deutsche Börse is like a “Megastore” for data products. We act as a giant marketplace for market data produced by a variety of exchanges in the industry and we then deliver the desired market data to clients via existing feeds. Thus, we reduce the administrative burden, minimise time-to-market and confusion about how and what clients are buying and when. 

We have long been a proponent of market data partnerships and will continue to look for partners who can provide our clients with data they would not normally have access to, while simplifying legal and operational complexities. And everyone wins.