Settled in: Vanessa Pütz

People & ideas at Deutsche Börse

Release date: 28 Jul 2020

In our "Settled in" series, our colleagues who have decided to start their careers at Deutsche Börse Group share their journeys with us. Next, Vanessa Pütz from Group Sustainability tells us about her experiences and personal milestones within the company.

Vanessa Pütz

How and when did you join Deutsche Börse?

After studying International Economics & Governance for a semester abroad in Warsaw, I decided to write my pending master’s thesis in Frankfurt instead of Bayreuth. The idea appealed to me ever since a fellow student in Warsaw told me about her experience as a working student at Deutsche Börse. When I searched the company’s job portal myself, I came across a student position in the field of sustainable finance which hit the nail on the head: it combined exactly those topics which I wanted to write my master’s thesis about. So, in March 2017, I started as a working student with Group Sustainability. As luck would have it, a new opportunity arose after I finished my studies: a colleague left the department in 2018 – exactly at that time I was looking for a full-time job. I took over his position and until today I am still part of the team. 

How was the change from a working student to a young professional for you?

I was lucky that I was already able to work very independently and responsibly as a working student because I was allowed to take on smaller projects. Therefore, it was a rather smooth transition for me. Of course, I gradually took on several larger projects for which I was officially in charge. I think the biggest personal change was to get used to no longer being “only” a working student but a permanent employee. I had to take on responsibility for decisions which I could and had to make myself. 

What are your tasks and which skills are important in your daily work?

Group Sustainability has a strong central function at Deutsche Börse, which also means a high degree of diversity for our daily business. 

Consequently, my duties are very broad. Currently, one of my main tasks is the ESG reporting and ratings, i.e. I am responsible for answering the ESG ratings in which Deutsche Börse participates, and I manage the sustainability reporting for the annual report. I also work together with Group Risk on a stronger integration of sustainability into risk management.

Internal stakeholder management, i.e. communication with the specialist departments, plays a major role for our division. This is due to the central function of our department and the fact that the topic of sustainable finance is constantly evolving in the market and at regulatory level. Therefore, good communication skills are particularly important for my work, as well as networked, cross-departmental and innovative thinking. In addition, you should also have a healthy dose of self-confidence to be able to face even sceptics with determination and to clarify the business case for sustainable finance. 

​​What advice do you have for career starters who want to get started in the financial industry?

Like sustainability, there are also other areas that haven’t been associated directly with the financial industry so far. That is why I would say: it is worth looking beyond the traditional, central business areas in this sector! There are many exciting jobs to get off to a successful start.