Art meets finance

New partnership with the Städel Museum

Release date: 22 Jan 2021

Collection of Old Masters, Städel Museum

Supporting in the fields of culture and education have been essential pillars in the engagement of Deutsche Börse. Most known in this regard is the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation whose work centres on collecting, exhibiting and promoting contemporary photographic artwork. With our new partnership with the Städel Museum in Frankfurt, we want to complement our awareness for our cultural heritage and on the field of education.

Just like Deutsche Börse, the Städel Museum has its roots in Frankfurt. Established in 1815 as a civic foundation, the Städel Museum is regarded as the oldest and most renowned museum foundation in Germany. Its collection provides an almost complete overview of 700 years of European art history, from the Renaissance and the Baroque to classic modernism and contemporary art, making the Städel Museum a cultural beacon for the city of Frankfurt. Starting this month, we are proud and excited to become a partner of Germany’s most important civic foundation in the field of culture.

Collection of contemporary art, Städel Museum
Combining state-of-the-art digital technologies with high scholarly as well as educational standards, the Städel Museum is also known for its modern art communication activities. With our new partnership we want to contribute to our shared awareness of quality, dedication to innovation and a progressive approach. Furthermore, we want to invite our colleagues at Deutsche Börse Group to actively join in this new partnership with special events and access to the Städel collection. 

We do not only see this new partnership as an excellent addition to our existing engagement, but as an honour and special obligation to support the outstanding work of this important civic foundation.

Further information