On 16 May 2023, our Annual General Meeting took place. Our shareholders and the interested public could follow the entire Annual General Meeting on our website. 707 viewers made use of this possibility. In total 78,69 percent of the registered share capital were represented in the Annual General Meeting or have voted by postal ballot.

On this website you can find all information regarding the Annual General Meeting, including the presence and the voting results, the dividend announcement and the recording of the opening speech of the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Martin Jetter, as well as the speech of the CEO, Theodor Weimer.

Our shareholders may still use the online service to see their entry in the share register and to register for receiving the invitation to the Annual General Meeting in 2024 by e-mail.


Voting results and further information 

Presence and voting results
Dividend announcement
Table 8 of the Annex to EU Implementing Regulation 2018/1212

Notice and documents for the Annual General Meeting

Documents on agenda item 1 (Annual financial statement and consolidated financial statement)
Document on agenda item 2 (Adjusted proposed resolution on the appropriation of unappropriated surplus)
Document on agenda item 5a (Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation)
Document on agenda item 5b (Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation)
Document on agenda item 5c (Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation)
Document on agenda item 6 (Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation)
Documents on agenda item 7 (Remuneration report 2022)
Document on agenda item 8 (Election of the auditor and Group auditor)
Table 3 of the Annex to EU Implementing Regulation 2018/1212
Counter-motions and shareholder election nominations
Further explanations on shareholder rights
Notes and recommendations for the use of video communication in the context of a speech
Forms which can be used for voting by proxy and casting a postal ballot

You can reach us workdays, 09:00 to 18:00 CEST via:

+49 69 21111750
+49 69 21114332