ISV registration & software management initiative

ISV registration & software management initiative

Xetra is planning to introduce three new functionalities that will be available in the Member Section. They aim to improve the registration of ISVs, but also the intelligence and transparency on the usage of the third-party vendor, third-party vendor software, and self-developed software of trading and clearing members on a technical connection level. The following functionalities will be hence introduced in the Member Section:

1. ISV registration
2. Software registration
3. Software selection

Moreover, with this initiative, the current ETI and FIX-LF session ordering process via Member Section will be enhanced with the addition of two new fields for the software vendor and software name.

Production start: 30 September 2024

Important milestones for independent software vendors (ISVs)

Action item


ISV re-registration 

30 September - 20 December 2024

ISV software registration

30 October 2024 - 14 February 2025

ISV software selection & enhancement of the new and existing FIX LF & ETI sessions in simulation

14 February 2025 - 13 June 2025

Start of mandatory implementation for the addition of software information while ordering new sessions for simulation

18 April 2025

Important milestones for members

Action item


Self-developed software registration & software selection

14 February – 13 June 2025

Enhancement of the new and existing FIX LF & ETI sessions for production and simulation environments

14 February - 13 June 2025

Start of the mandatory implementation for the addition of software information while ordering sessions 

18 April 2025


Scope item


Action item

ISV registration

The introduction of the ISV registration functionality via the Member Section will digitize the registration process of Independent software vendors (ISVs). trading members of Xetra market are allowed to use only the software of a registered ISV via this functionality. 

All new and existing ISVs must submit their registration using the new functionality in the Member Section starting from 1 October 2024.

The deadline for the re-registration of the existing ISVs is 20 December 2024.

Software registration

This functionality will enable the registration of the ISV and self-developed software.

Registered ISVs are required to also register all their software, which is offered to Xetra clients and is intended to be used to connect to the respective market interfaces (FIX LF & ETI), as the next step. The deadline for completing this step is 14 February 2025.

In addition to this, members with self-developed software are also required to register their software which is intended to be used to connect to the Xetra interfaces (FIX LF & ETI) starting from14 February 2025.

Software selection

This functionality will be introduced for the selection of the ISV and/or self-developed software

Trading participants using third-party vendor software or self-developed software of another member to connect to Xetra interfaces (FIX LF & ETI) in simulation and production environments are required to select the software via this functionality. This process will start from 14 February 2025.

Moreover, ISVs, who have access to DBAG simulation environments, are also required to select the software they use to connect to Xetra interfaces (FIX LF & ETI) in simulation via this functionality. This step is a part of the registration process for the ISV admission.

The enhancement of the new and existing FIX LF & ETI sessions with the addition of the software usage information

With this initiative, the session ordering process for FIX LF & ETI will be enhanced with the addition of the vendor and software information in Member Section

All trading participants are required to enhance their existing sessions with the vendor & software information starting from 14 February 2025, following the selection of the software via the software selection functionality.

This requirement is also applicable for the ISVs for their simulation sessions and accounts. 

The deadline for completing the software selection and enhancement of the existing sessions with the vendor & software information is 13 June 2025.

Starting from 18 April 2025, the enhancement of the FIX LF or ETI sessions with the addition of vendor and software information will be mandatory.


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Market Status




Parts of the trading system are currently experiencing technical issues

The trading system is currently experiencing technical issues

Xetra newsboard

The market status window is an indication regarding the current technical availability of the trading system. It indicates whether news board messages regarding current technical issues of the trading system have been published or will be published shortly.

Please find further information about incident handling in the Emergency Playbook published on the Xetra webpage under Technology --> T7 trading architecture --> Emergency procedures. Detailed information about incident communication, market re-opening procedures and best practices for order and trade reconciliation can be found in the chapters 4.2, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. Concrete information for the respective incident will be published during the incident via newsboard message

We strongly recommend not to take any decisions based on the indications in the market status window but to always check the production news board for comprehensive information on an incident.

Emergency procedures

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