Market Makers

Market Makers Liquidity counts

Designated Sponsors on Xetra and FWB® the Frankfurt Stock Exchange specialists ensure trading is liquid and price quality is high.

Supply and demand do not always match – usually, prices and/or volumes of the securities differ between the sides of the order book. Less liquid securities can be made more tradable on Xetra by mandating a so-called Designated Sponsor. This increases the probability that placed orders will be executed. Investors prefer actively supported shares in line with the principle of “liquidity attracts liquidity”.

Shares in one of Deutsche Börse’s selection indices must be included in continuous trading. One criterion here is the security’s liquidity. Designated Sponsors guarantee higher liquidity on the trading venue Xetra®. In Xetra, Designated Sponsors (e.g. banks and securities trading houses) ensure that continuous trading is possible in less liquid securities by posting binding bid and sell prices (quotes).

In addition to Designated Sponsors, there are other trading participants that operate a market-making strategy in certain securities even without being mandated by an issuer. The minimum requirements for such market makers are lower in terms of quotation duration and quality compared to the requirements for Designated Sponsors, and are set by European capital market regulation. Market Makers must display their trading activity by officially registering as a Market Maker on Xetra. Further information can be found here.

Deutsche Börse provides its specialists service as a way of supporting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, FWB®).

Overview of content

FWB Frankfurt Stock Exchange: Specialists

The trading model “Continuous Auction with Specialist” enhances FWB® the Frankfurt Stock Exchange’s appeal as an efficient trading platform, specifically for small and mid-caps. In addition, market members benefit from the most comprehensive product range in the world and from improved trading quality through the Specialists, who furnish liquidity.

Specialists ensure that equities traded in the ‘Continuous Auction’ market model remain liquid and continually tradable. They commit to post attractive spreads and avoid partial executions that make no business sense. Their duties include providing indicative price information based on current market conditions and furnishing additional liquidity.

Further information


Issuer Services Hub

The new Issuer Services Hub offers companies listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange — in the segments of Prime Standard, General Standard and Scale — free access to relevant information and bundles it on one platform. The functions include:

  • A dashboard with the current price chart development of your company and current Börse Frankfurt news
  • Your company's open Xetra order book

Stock Report

As an issuer in the Prime Standard, General Standard or Scale, every month you will receive by email your personal Stock Report – which presents in vivid graphic form the current trading data on your shares. As an issuer you can put together a peer group of three companies listed on the FWB®.

You would like to receive the stock report?

Web-Service: Integration in price chart

Companies listed on Deutsche Börse have access to a special investor relations tool, enabling you to use a link to integrate the price chart of your share into your Website free of charge. Please note that we do not offer individualised charts. Please contact if you are interested.

Indices group various securities according to defined criteria, such as the market capitalisation of the respective company and exchange turnover in the security, membership of a market or sector – and track how these groups then perform in the capital markets. The indices thus enable comparison between the trend for a particular security and the performance of the relevant reference group. As such, companies are charted within their peer group, enabling investors to make more targeted investment decisions. Deusche Börse offers an innovative selection of indices and index solutions. Deutsche Börse AG makes the decisions regarding the calculation and compilation of equity indices together with the Working Committee for Equity Indices.
Learn more about our indices.


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Issuer Services

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